I believe I have my own way of developing new ideas.  Personally, every time I think of a new idea,  begin a new blog, prepare for a meeting, presentation and/or whatever it may be – the development process is different, that “Aha” moment comes from a different source.  I go off into a corner or just off on my own some where – I need to be alone with my headphones and music to let my mind and head just focus on ideas.  My head starts to nod and my mind starts to focus with my own brainstorming session and then – “OOPS” – I have an idea where is my…

Then I am off and running – speaking into a recorder, typing and/or writing down everything that comes to mind.  Why?  Well this allows me to come back later and see what actually makes sense and what will actually work (side note take a picture of everything before erasing if it’s on a white board or save it for later if it is written on scratch paper.  Never know if it makes sense later).  The music is still going in the background and it helps keep the ideas flowing while forgetting about time because I’m so occupied with the the task at hand.

 Know who you are:


Remind yourself. Nobody Built Like You, You Designed Yourself…  ~ Jay Z


I am a person who cannot work like the average.  I need my own type of quiet.  I always need my own space and I need my own thoughts to take over and not be interrupted with a bunch noise from others.  The cubicle life halts my work
ability to a standstill.  I like to vary my work locations because I never know where I am going to find the place where I can get into a zone – so focused that nothing around me matters at that moment.  One day it can be at the home office and the next day it can be at the local Starbucks – the point is I like to have the freedom of work location variability when brainstorming for special projects.

Growing up I would often wonder why writers and artists would sit in the park, the local coffee shops (before Starbucks) or any place they could find their “inspiration” as they put it.  I understand now.  As I am thinking about new ideas or thinking about a topic, a business problem or anything of importance I need my “place” of “inspiration” like those artists from the past.

By all means I am not saying that I am not a team player.   But I ask what do you do to solve complex problems and/or think of new ideas?